City & Village Website Registration for Tall Oaks at Winding Trails
Welcome to the community website for Tall Oaks at Winding Trails. City & Village’s website will provide you with pertinent information about our community as well as your account.
Homeowners can now login, choose to receive e-statements and pay their bills online via e-check ($2.99 fee) or credit card (3.5% fee).
Please REGISTER HERE so we can transition as many homeowners as possible online vs. using the US mail.
Welcome to the Tall Oaks at Winding Trails Homeowners Association site. The site offers general information for Tall Oaks homeowners and is the avenue of communication for the trustees and homeowners.
Tall Oaks at Winding Trails began in 1991, and the last homes were completed in 1995. The builder was the Jones Company. Initially Westglen Farms Drive was not a complete or open street, but the street was opened when the last house was finished. Also, Tall Oaks was initially in the unincorporated area of St. Louis County but was included in the incorporation of Wildwood in 1995.
There are 91 homes in the subdivision. The subdivision is in Ward 5 of Wildwood, MO.
The subdivision has an Indenture with one Amendment (see RULES). There are three homeowners elected as Trustees to represent the homeowners for their term. The annual election for a new Trustee is in January or February.
If you have suggestions for this website please contact the site administrator or one of the Trustees.
Sub-Division Home Models
2 story – small
2 story – larger
1.5 story – small
1.5 story – larger